September 30, 2024 · AI, Deepfakes, Legality, Artificial Intelligence, AI-generated Images

What AI images are illegal?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made it possible to create highly realistic images, often referred to as 'deepfakes'. While creating these images in itself is not illegal, the distribution and use of them can potentially cross legal boundaries, depending on the jurisdiction and the purpose for which they are used.

In general, AI-generated images become illegal when they are used for harmful or malicious purposes. For instance, if a deepfake is created to impersonate someone without their consent, it could potentially be considered a form of identity theft or fraud. This is especially true if the impersonation results in harm or loss to the person being impersonated.

Similarly, AI images can be illegal if they are used to create explicit or inappropriate content without the consent of the individuals featured in the images. In many jurisdictions, this would be considered a form of non-consensual pornography and could result in legal action.

In some states and countries, laws have been enacted specifically to address the distribution of deepfakes. For instance, in California, it is illegal to create and distribute deepfakes that are intended to interfere with political elections. In Texas, the law prohibits creating deepfakes that are intended to harm, defraud, intimidate, or threaten any person.

However, it's worth noting that while some jurisdictions have laws in place to regulate the use of deepfakes, many do not. In these places, the legality of AI-generated images can be a gray area, often dependent on the specific circumstances and the interpretation of existing laws.

In conclusion, while the creation of AI images or deepfakes is not inherently illegal, their distribution and use can potentially be illegal, particularly if they are used for harmful or malicious purposes.

AI, Deepfakes, Legality, Artificial Intelligence, AI-generated Images